• Institute of China Studies
  • chinastudies@um.edu.my

[ICS Webinar] China, the West, and Hong Kong’s New National Security Law

Aug 05, 2020
02.00 PM - 04.00 PM
Microsoft Teams

August 5, 2020

2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.

Microsoft Teams


Speaker :
Bunn Nagara

Bunn Nagara is a Consultant on Asian security and strategy. He was Senior Fellow and Visiting Fellow at ISIS (Institute of Strategic and international Studies), ASEAN Research Fellow at the Institute of South-East Asian Studies, and Research Fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs. He was Associate Editor at Star Publications, Editor of New Voice of Asia, Contributing Editor of South Review, and Asian Commentator for ABC Radio, among other print and broadcast media. His research areas include North-East and South-East Asia, major power relations and grand strategies. He graduated from Southampton University and Uppsala University.

China continues to face Western pressure at a time of rising trade friction, technological competition and strategic rivalry. A major point of contention is Hong Kong's new national security law, which China introduced after a year of protracted protests and crippling riots. What is the basis of Western opposition to the law, and what are the likely consequences? What were China's options, the substance of the law itself, and Hong Kong's position on it? How far are local criticisms justified and what is the likely overall impact on Hong Kong? How should the West, China and Hong Kong now proceed? For register: https://forms.gle/CQhLWTLY2rNRQP4N8