• Institute of China Studies
  • chinastudies@um.edu.my

How Are Elite University Students In ASEAN Countries Looking At Asian Neighbors?: An Analysis Of Asian Student Survey 2013-2018

Jan 23, 2020
10.00 AM - 12.00 PM
Cube Room 2, 4th Floor, Block D, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

January 23, 2020

10.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon

Cube Room 2, 4th Floor, Block D, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.


Speaker :
Shigeto SONADA
Professor of Sociology and Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo


Due to the rapid development of digital technology, opinion poll survey has been conducted by different research agencies, but Asia-wide survey is still rare as of now. There are huge gap between IR, which mainly focuses on state’s behavior and their inter-connectedness without taking their psychological dimensions seriously, and social psychology, which mainly analyzes individual perception without taking interconnectedness of the states into consideration, especially when it comes to Asian countries. This presentation will focus on elite university students in 6 ASEAN countries (Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia) to address the following questions to see whether there are any “ASEAN-centrality mentality” in perceptions and attitudes by the students through the analysis of Asian Student Survey (2008-2018) that the presenter has conducted. 1. Do students in ASEAN countries have favorable views of their member countries compared with non-member countries? 2. Do students in ASEAN countries are socially connected? 3. Do students in ASEAN countries want to go to other ASEAN countries to study more than non-member countries? 4. Do students in ASEAN countries share the same views of the rise of China?